Next Generation Network NGN

The Chair the Next Generation Network Finland is Emma Reinikainen, emma.reinikainen(a)


Introduce, involve and train young professionals and students to the CIGRE work. Create connections between young professionals and students in the power engineering field.

Basic goals of NGN group are:

  1. Attract young members to the group
  2. Integrate young members in activities
  3. Train young members for CIGRE work
  4. Include young members in working bodies

To support these goals, the NGN group organizes opportunities for young members to showcase their research work. NGN group shall inform its members in case of open positions in working groups to include young members. Networking is one of the main reasons for this organization and it is encouraged with common events and excursions.

CIGRE Finland NGN is not an individual organization but is a subgroup of the Finnish National Committee of CIGRE.

Who can join?

Student members, young members and individual members of the Finnish National Committee of CIGRE can join CIGRE Finland NGN.